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“Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that's beautiful.”

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passion cannot be 'unauthientic', or, say, pseudoauthentic as it is so real and so true of an emotion given rise to being authentic, or, say, authenticity.

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「社會認同」是由社會心理學家羅伯特・席爾蒂尼(robert cialdini)於《影響力》(influence: science and practice)一書中所提出。它描述的是一種心理和社會現象,指的是人們在不知道如何做出判斷或採取行動時,往往從他人身上尋找正確行事的線索。若套用在日常生活中,可以作為「從眾」的解釋。


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the novelist E. M. Forster famously stated that "the king died then the queen died" was not a plot until adding the detail that the queen died "of grief".  some have interpreted this to mean that stories set up clear cause-effect relationships.  it's not a bad way to hunt for plot - love sets you free, pride leads to a fall, et cetera - but this method risks oversimplifying relational truths and correlations.

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契柯夫的槍 Chekhov's gun 引申為 前兆、預兆 foreshadow

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18 世紀中葉,歐洲的貴族才開始使用現代的沖水馬桶。

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失去自信與對未來的想像,才真正是日月循環的折磨   ~ 陳之藩

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